The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), commonly known as "tapping," is a therapeutic practice that combines elements of cognitive therapy with acupressure. This involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a particular emotional issue, distressing memory, or physical pain. This process aims to release emotional blockages and promote healing by restoring balance within the body's energy system. The body’s meridians act like an energetic map showing specific points where energy flows, and by tapping on these points while talking through trauma one can regulate their nervous system. EFT is grounded in the belief that unresolved emotional trauma can contribute to physical and emotional ailments. Tapping allows individuals to literally tap in to their subconscious minds and change limiting beliefs or create new ones. Using this modality within holistic coaching can be powerful in transcending pain.
EFT has strong ties to Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly its concepts of energy flow and meridian pathways. In TCM, health is seen as a balance of Qi (vital energy) that flows through the body's meridians. Blockages or disruptions in this energy flow can lead to physical and emotional issues. EFT taps into this framework by utilizing acupressure points, similar to those used in acupuncture, to release trapped emotions and restore the flow of energy. By focusing on both the psychological aspects of emotional distress and the physical techniques derived from TCM, EFT creates a unique combination that allows individuals to address their health on multiple levels.
Today, EFT is starting to become a more common practice. Many people report significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and emotional distress after practicing EFT, as it helps to get out of the “fight or flight” response, clear negative thought patterns, and promote self-acceptance. Additionally, it has been used to alleviate physical symptoms such as chronic pain, headaches, fatigue, and illness. This tool can empower people to take an active role in their emotional and physical health, and ultimately feel safe in their bodies without looking externally to numb what they are feeling.