Is it possible you already have everything you need to create the life of your dreams?Creating your dream life is about putting all these puzzle pieces together. Not necessarily checking each box “perfectly”, but finding balance.
From my experience, looking externally for fulfillment, success, and happiness always resulted in a different version of the same cycle. For a long time I thought that if I made this one change, achieved this one goal, or obtained this one thing I’d feel whole. I was fooling myself. Once I started to observe how the same patterns in my life kept repeating it was very humbling, but what I needed to take the next step. I realized there was nothing to “fix”, nothing to “make whole” because I already was that. No reason to try and be “perfect” because I was already perfectly imperfect. There was nothing standing in my way other than myself. It was more about subtracting who I thought I was than adding who I thought I needed to be. I had learned enough, it was time to unlearn. The great thing about life is the luxury of unlearning is free.
Consider that the ego plays tricks and habitually worries. There will always be that voice that doubts, fears, second guesses, etc., that part of us is never going away. Allow it, it doesn’t know any better, embrace it just like you would a fearful child. The ego is rooted in logic, it will make you believe everything has to “make sense”. Our higher self is rooted in imagination, it knows that as long as we put energy and intention into our dreams, things will fall into place right when they’re supposed to. Creating the life of your dreams is about observing your ego’s voice and choosing to pursue what your gut is telling you to do anyway. Consider these three universal laws…
Energy always follows intention.
Clarity of intention increases speed of reality creation (i.e. get really really specific).
Consistently embodying the feeling that you already have that reality brings it into the physical world.
I’ll also offer a few notes of caution. Trigger warning. Notice the parts of you that may resist this offering. Would you consider the concept of “spiritual bypassing”? Many times once we get to a place of heightened self awareness parts of us may believe that “it’ll happen if it’s meant to be” or “god’s got me”, and from my experience this is half true. Yes, I do agree that we receive divine help from a power greater than us, but it’s still our job to put action and pure intention into the reality we are creating. In “Power vs. Force”, David R. Hawkins offers, “Facts are accumulated by effort, but truth reveals itself effortlessly.". Sometimes things happen in a flash, sometimes they happen very gradually, either way consider letting go of the “when” and “how”. From my experience, if you choose to follow the thing your most passionate about, do your best to take it as far as you can with pure intentions, and let go of the outcome you’re on the right track. In the quantum everything happens instantly, so if you’re not experiencing something you want in the physical world yet, consider any limiting beliefs you still hold concerning it.
What would your life feel like if you let go of all the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself?
(Last updated: 10.19.24)